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The Brunswick County Fishing Club Annual Fishing Competition 2019-2020 

Youth division

BCFC 2019-2020 Youth Fishing Competition

Registration form and rules now available for download/print.  See file download links below rules overview.


2019-2020 Quick Rules Overview


- Only current members that have paid their dues before catching the fish are eligible

- Entries must be caught by hook and line, rod and reel

- Territorial limits for the contest shall be from Little River Inlet to Carolina Beach, NC. Slight variations north or south will not disqualify entry.

- No restrictions on the tackle with the exception that power reels are not permitted

- All entries must be submitted within 30 days of catch

- Entry must exceed minimum length listed below for each species

- Contest entries will be kept updated on our website throughout the year

- Each club member may enter as many species he/she desires, but will only be eligible for one prize.

In case of a tie, the fish entered first will have priority

- Prizes will be awarded for longest fish in each species category. Prizes will be presented during the October general membership meeting

- Entries may be emailed to the club at Remember to include the entry form and a picture of fish being measured.

- Youth Angler species have no minimum lengths but all entries must meet North Carolina regulations

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Youth Angler species have no minimum lengths but all entries must meet North Carolina regulations

Download or print forms

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Brunswick County Fishing Club

3911 Hickory View Drive SE

Sunset Harbor, NC 28422


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